Configuring a Persistence Context

Differently from whinstone-jdbc that talk with javax.sql.DataSource, whinstone-jpa2 talk with a javax.persistence.EntityManager, that to acquire an entity manager must be available via JNDI.

For META-INF/persistence.xml example:

<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

 <persistence-unit name="ctx-vendor" transaction-type="JTA">

Basically entity manager there are 3 use cases: WAR, EAR and SE applications.

Note: In JEE environment the prefix persistence is a best practice, not required. But for whinstone-jpa2 this prefix is mandatory.

WAR Application

WEB-INF/web.xml file:

<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""
 id="WebApp_ID" version="3.1" metadata-complete="true">


    <description>JNDI for lookup EntityManager</description>

EAR Application

META-INF/application.xml file:

<application xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <description>My Vendor System</description>
    <description>JNDI for lookup EntityManager</description>

Stateless Session Bean

@PersistenceContext(name = "persistence/ctx-vendor", unitName = "ctx-vendor")
public class BaseFacade
    private static SqlContext sqlContext = SqlContextFactory.newInstance("/repository-sql.xml");        
    private Repository        repository;

    protected void initRepo() {
        this.repository = RepositoryService.getInstance().lookup(RepositoryType.JPA).newInstance(sqlContext);

    protected Repository getRepository() {
        return repository;

public class CatalogFacadeImpl extends BaseFacade implements CatalogFacade

Java SE Application

TODO documentation

Configuring Repository Context for whinstone

The attribute context from statements element bind the SQL context with persistence-unit name.

src/main/resources/repository-sql.xml file:

<statements context="ctx-vendor"


  <select id="myselect">
    SELECT id, name from users


So the Repository can be instanced:

SqlContext sqlContext = SqlContextFactory.newInstance("/repository-sql.xml");
Repository repository = RepositoryService.getInstance().lookup(RepositoryType.JPA).newInstance(sqlContext);

Java EE versus Java SE environments

whinstone-jpa2 always try to acquire EntityManager by JNDI reference, however when cannot lookup that reference the EntityManager is create using Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(unitName) like Java SE environments. Pay attention because instance of EntityManager for JEE supports transaction managed but Java SE don’t. If you intend use JNDI check the logger if the lookup was made correctly.

The log at WARN level told about that:

[WARN ] JpaEmFactorySEenv.<init> - Java SE environments factory net.sf.jkniv.whinstone.jpa2.JpaEmFactorySEenv was started successfully for unitName [ctx-vendor]. No supports for transaction managed!