JAAS Hybrid Realm

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) provide mechanism to authentication and authorization the users making your application independent from authentication technologies.

Hybrid Realm provides an interchangeable and combined for authentication and authorization your application, where could be combined Database Realm x LDAP Real x CouchDB Realm:

Realm Authentication Authorization
LDAP supports supports
RDBMS supports supports
CouchDB supports supports


jkniv-jaas-glassfish and jkniv-jaas-tomcat require JDK 1.6 or high.

jkniv-jaas-jetty require JDK 1.7 or high.

Maven users will need to add one from following dependency:

for Glassfish server:


for Jetty server:


for Tomcat server:


If your application needs use the Cypher algorithm to encrypt the passwords you can make a reference to jkniv-jaas-common:


Changes in version 0.3.6


  • BUG Fix Authenticate user in LDAP doesn’t take the directories configuration.
  • BUG Fix Authentication using default domain didn’t fetch LDAP groups


  • Update The user’s authentication a specific domain could be mandatory authenticate in LDAP
  • Update The domain name from email could be mapped to another host, like: algo@`acme.com` to ldap.acme.com:386

Note: It’s mandatory to have at least one authentication mode enable: authe-ldap, authe-jdbc and/or authe-couchdb.

Hybrid Realm Properties

Property Default Description
jaas-context hybridRealm
authe-ldap true Enable authentication mode for LDAP
authe-jdbc false Enable authentication mode for JDBC
authe-couchdb false Enable authentication mode for CouchDb
autho-ldap false Enable authorization mode for LDAP
autho-jdbc true Enable authorization mode for JDBC
autho-couchdb false Enable authorization mode for CouchDB
assign-groups Comma-separated list of group names. These groups are assigned when the authentication is successfully.

There is a jar module for each server: Glassfish, Jetty and Tomcat.

Server Version tested
jkniv-jaas-tomcat Tomcat 7, 8 and 9
jkniv-jaas-jetty Jetty 9
jkniv-jaas-glassfish Glassfish 4.1

Note: The Tomcat module it’s independently from application server, if you application server no require a inherits from a inner class this module must works for you.