jkniv whinstone couchdb


This section show the details and constraints from jkniv-whinstone-couchdb how make the bind the values to POJO objects

Identify field _id and _rev

The fields _id and _rev are mandatory to save a document into CouchDB.

whinstone-couchdb use Jackson library to mapping a Java object to a CouchDB document,

Entity example with mandatories fields for CouchDB.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
public class Account {
  private String id;
  private String rev;

The default access for id property is using the name id to the field, getId for getter and setId for setter.

Those values can be replaced by a property jkniv.repository.accessId defined into repository-config.xml file:

<repository name="dialect-override" transaction-type="LOCAL">
 <description>Overriding access for identify field</description>
   <property name="jkniv.repository.accessId" value="id,getId,withId"/>
  • id: field name
  • getId: read method (getter)
  • withId: writer method (setter)