Jco Component

The jkniv-jco: component allows you to work with Sap Jco3 library.

This component uses the sap JCo product version 3.x from SAP AG to handler the sap connection.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:



Short release notes.

version 2.20.0 released

Supports for start/stop multiple instances over web container, troubleshooting Unresolved case of JCoException: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE.

version 2.19.0 released

Release that supports JCoStructure as PARAMETERS INPUT.

version 2.18.0.RC1 released

Release that supports several web applications using jkniv-sap-provider in the same web container.

version 2.17.4 released

There is a bug in version 2.17.3, it doesn’t preserver the header message, this was fix in version 2.17.4.


  • JDK 1.8 or superior
  • sap Jco 3 and dependencies (jar, dll/so libraries)

URI format

Could only act as a producer endpoint (e.g. to(...)).

The jkniv-jco component uses the following endpoint URI notation:



Option Type Default Description
sapFunction String JCo function name
sapDestName String Set the name of SAP JCoDestination name that identifies a physical destination of a function call
sapJcoTable String The name of SAP JCoTable that encapsulates a output data table
sapJcoTableIn String The name of SAP JCoTable that encapsulates a input table parameters (since 2.19.0 version)
prefixParams String SAPJco_ The prefix name of parameters, default is SAPJco_, the prefix value is used when the parameters came from header message.
parserResultStrategy String Allows to plugin to use a custom net.sf.jkniv.camel.sap.jco3.ParserResult that extract the returned values from SAP JCo function
useHeaderAsParam boolean false indicate to lookup the parameters from JCo at header message, default is the body message. When your value is true the option prefixParams is mandatory, cannot be empty or null.
supportsNull boolean false Indicate to component to keep the null rows from SAP, default behavior skip the null rows


By default the result is returned in the OUT body as an ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>. The List object contains the list of rows and the Map objects contain each row with the String key as the column name. This version doesn’t supports outputClass to specify a bean like POJO to change the return object or list of objects.

Installing Sap Java Connector

You can download the SAP JCo 3.x. The SAP JCo installation files are composed for:

Windows Linux
sapjco3.jar sapjco3.jar
sapjco3.dll libsapjco3.so

After obtaining the SAP JCo you must follow the SAP manual to configure the dll or so library and put the sapjco3.jar at classpath from your application.

Read the manual Components of SAP Communication Technology to configure the libraries from SAP client.

Camel+Spring Configuration

This is a snippet code, from Spring bean, configuring the properties values to connect to SAP Server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"...

<bean id="sap-conn" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
  <property name="properties">
      <prop key="jco.client.ashost">mysaphost</prop>
      <prop key="jco.client.user">username</prop>
      <prop key="jco.client.passwd">secret</prop>
      <prop key="jco.client.client">600</prop>
      <prop key="jco.client.lang">en</prop>
      <prop key="jco.destination.pool_capacity">3</prop>
      <prop key="jco.destination.peak_limit">10</prop>
      <prop key="jco.client.sysnr">00</prop>

JNDI Configuration

If you are using Application Server or Web Container it’s possible configure the properties file as JNDI resource. This example show the xml snippet to configure the JNDI with sap-conn name at Glassfish server.

  <custom-resource factory-class="org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PropertiesFactory" description="Properties to connect SAP enviroment" res-type="java.util.Properties" jndi-name="sap-conn">
    <property name="jco.client.ashost" value="mysaphost"></property>
    <property name="jco.client.user" value="username"></property>
    <property name="jco.client.passwd" value="secret"></property>
    <property name="jco.client.client" value="600"></property>
    <property name="jco.client.lang" value="en"></property>
    <property name="jco.destination.pool_capacity" value="3"></property>
    <property name="jco.destination.peak_limit" value="10"></property>
    <property name="jco.client.sysnr" value="00"></property>

The configuration file it’s from Glassfish is SystemDrive:\glassfish4\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml.

Sample DSL XML

In the following example, we using the connection sap-conn to connect to SAP server and invoke the SAP function ZSEARCH_VEHICLES with destination name SAPCON_ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL parsing the values from T_DATA data structure.

<to uri="jkniv-jco:sap-conn?sapFunction=ZSEARCH_VEHICLES&sapDestName=SAPCON_ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL&sapJcoTable=T_DATA" />

The jkniv-jco component first try lookup the properties file using JNDI, if it isn’t found try to lookup using bean properties from Spring using CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(...).

Lookup Parameters

jkniv-jco must lookup the parameters from the message body or message headers. The first option it’s a Map from body (exchange.getIn().getBody(Map.class)) and all keys are sent as parameters to jco component.

To lookup the parameters from message header the option useHeaderAsParam must be set to true. All parameters names start with SAPJco_ are sent to jco component. The prefix can be changed setting the option prefixParams.

<camel:setHeader headerName="SAPJco_I_BUKRS">
  <simple resultType="java.lang.String">0200</simple>
<to uri="jkniv-jco:sap-conn?sapFunction=ZSEARCH_VEHICLES&sapDestName=SAPCON_ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL&sapJcoTable=T_DATA&useHeaderAsParam=true" />

Other example

<camel:route id="hello-sap-world-jndi">
  <camel:description>Sample to get data from SAP using connection properties with jndi</camel:description>
  <from uri="servlet:///hello-sap-world-jndi" />
  <log message="Request to SAP world" loggingLevel="INFO" />
  <to uri="jkniv-jco:sap-conn?sapFunction=ZSEARCH_VEHICLES&sapDestName=SAPCON_ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL&sapJcoTable=T_DATA" />
  <to uri="mock:result" />

Example using sapJcoTableIn data

RFC data structure:


MANDT                           ,MANDT                           ,C,3,0,3,0,6,0,0,Principal
MONAT                           ,MONAT                           ,N,2,3,2,3,4,6,0,Ref. month
GJAHR                           ,GJAHR                           ,N,4,5,4,5,8,10,0,Reference
DTSTAR                          ,                                ,D,8,9,8,9,16,18,0,Start date
DTEND                           ,                                ,D,8,17,8,17,16,34,0,End date
TOTREC                          ,                                ,P,2,25,4,25,4,50,0,total of records
DAYS_OFF                        ,                                ,P,2,27,4,29,4,54,0,Days off
TOT_DICOUNT                     ,                                ,P,4,29,8,33,8,58,2,Total discount
Record length: 41,66

|012|34|5678|90123456|78901234|   5   6|   7   8|   9   0   1   2|
|   |00|0000|00000000|00000000|0000000C|0000000C|000000000000000C|


The parameter sapJcoTableIn is a java.util.Map input.

 * Generate input data for SAP RFC finance
public class BillingProcessor implements Processor
    public BillingProcessor()

     * Build input SAP RFC Finance from BillingReport data
    public void process(Exchange exchange)
        BillingReport data = exchange.getIn().getBody(BillingReport.class);
        List<BillingReportRow> details = data.getDetails();
        Map<String, Object> iFatHeader = toIFatHeader(data, details);        
        List<Map<String, Object>> tblFatItens = new ArrayList<>();
        for (BillingReportRow item : details)
            Map<String, Object> tblFatItem = toTblFatItem(item);
        iFatHeader.put("TBL_FAT_ITENS", tblFatItens);


    private Map<String, Object> toIFatHeader(BillingReport data, List<BillingReportRow> details)
        final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
        Map<String, Object> iFatHeader = new HashMap<>();
        iFatHeader.put("DTSTAR", sdf.format(data.getStart()));
        iFatHeader.put("DTEND", sdf.format(data.getEnd()));
        iFatHeader.put("TOTREC", details != null ? details.size() : 0);
        iFatHeader.put("DAYS_OFF", data.getQtdUnTransmissionDays());
        iFatHeader.put("TOT_DICOUNT", data.getDeflatorTotal());
        return iFatHeader;

    private Map<String, Object> toTblFatItem(BillingReportRow item)
        final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
        Map<String, Object> tblFatItem = new HashMap<>();
        tblFatItem.put("DTSTAR", sdf.format(item.getStartBillingDate()));
        tblFatItem.put("DTEND", sdf.format(item.getEndBillingDate()));
        tblFatItem.put("PLATE", item.getPlate());
        tblFatItem.put("SERIAL", item.getSerial());
        tblFatItem.put("SERVICE", item.getServices());
        tblFatItem.put("DAYS_OFF", item.getQtdUnTransmissionDays());
        tblFatItem.put("DEFLATOR", item.getDeflator());
        tblFatItem.put("TOT_DICOUNT", item.getDeflatorTotal());
        tblFatItem.put("TOTAL", item.getTransmissionDays());
        return tblFatItem;

Camel route to send data for SAP RFC.

<camel:route id="billing-send">
  <camel:description>Billing process</camel:description>
  <from uri="direct:billing-send" />
    <camel:process ref="billingProcessor" />
    <log message="Sending data to SAP" loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="billing" />
    <to uri="jkniv-jco:sap-conn?sapFunction=ZRFC_FINANCE&amp;sapDestName=AS_WITH_POOL&amp;sapJcoTable=TBL_MSG&amp;sapJcoTableIn=TBL_FAT_ITENS" />
    <log message="Save BILLING-RESPONSE in MQ to send database: ${body}" loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="billing" />      